Be charismatic in four steps

Be charismatic in four steps

Our best ideas mean nothing when people don’t listen. We’ve all experienced this. We’re excitedly trying to communicate an important point, yet people don’t listen or talk right over you. That’s because of the way we speak… without charisma and without emotion. People don’t want to hear facts. People want to feel emotions. So learn from The Rock, and watch how he transformed the way he speaks to become one of the most charismatic and most liked celebrity.

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To always get what you ask - use this 3 step sequence

To always get what you ask - use this 3 step sequence

Your ability to communicate is one of the few keys in life that is directly correlated to how great and colourful your life can be. In the corporate world, if you can’t communicate, career progression suffers regardless of how smart you are or how many great ideas you have. Yet there is a simple 3 step sequence to communication that all successful people use to get their ideas across and get what they want. Use these 3 steps now to get what you ask for.

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Want to be successful - get your butt up and out of bed

Want to be successful - get your butt up and out of bed

If you want to be successful then you have to face the truth and throw out a key excuse you keep telling yourself “there’s no time”. You have to make time. There’s only 24 hours in a day but you’re free to allocate those hours as you see fit. But one simple action can help you make time. Get your lazy butt out of bed and wake up at 5AM. I promise you, you’ll find it makes you focussed and more energetic throughout the day.

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How to hone in on what you want

How to hone in on what you want

If you don’t know with clarity what you want, what chance do you have of getting there? How will you know you’ve gotten there? Most of us have just some high level statements of who we want to become. But have you ever sat down and wrote down exactly the kind of person you want to be? If you just spend 60 minutes writing it down, you’ll find that you have greater clarity, and a greater level of commitment to make it happen. Do it now before you waste any more tomorrows.

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This is why you're wasting money on self confidence

This is why you're wasting money on self confidence

Self confidence isn’t not caring about what other people think. Self confidence is caring about what YOU think. Repeat that phrase over and over again. Value your own thoughts, value your own opinions, value your own ideas. If you don’t value them yourself, why should anybody else value them? Until you care about your own opinions, nothing else you do will improve your self confidence.

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A key realisation you need for success in life

A key realisation you need for success in life

The man who stole an elderly lady's money came charging out the door. Standing by the door, there were a hundred things I could've done to stop him or at least delay him. But I did absolutely nothing. For that I am ashamed. But from that, I also realised there is so much I don't know. I need to take action to break my introvert limitations, but I also need to take action to improve my life skills. Self improvement needs to be balanced and we come out successful and well rounded human beings.

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All introverts should do this to stand out

All introverts should do this to stand out

I discovered this action by accident but its positive effects are universal. It generates a positive reaction from the person you're talking to and I've tested it across different languages and countries. The action is simple. Speak a little louder and speak a little deeper. That's all you have to do. When you combine this action with smiling and maintaining eye contact, you will find that you can turn a grouchy interaction into a positive one.

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Set things in your favor: lessons from a C-Suite Executive

Set things in your favor: lessons from a C-Suite Executive

Here it is Everyone! Our very first podcast has been uploaded and is ready for you to listen and learn from. For our first podcast, we interviewed Stuart Cameron, who is the Chief Risk Officer for Enterprise & Financial Risk. Stuart is one of the most respected and admired leaders in Suncorp. He is a self-recognized strong introvert and here he shares all the lessons his learnt to help him break out of his limitations. We hope you enjoy the podcast as much as we enjoyed the interview.


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Yes! I quit my job and here's why.

Yes! I quit my job and here's why.

Yes I did. And while the agonizing thoughts and reflections are deeply personal, I wanted to share them with you so that if you are in the same scenario, these thoughts and reflections may be of help. I quit because accepting the status quo, as comfortable as it was, would be me settling for part of what I could be and giving up on what I want to be. For me, self development and achievement would always trump dollars and comfort. 


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What not to say in your performance development meeting

What not to say in your performance development meeting

Less is more is a principle that holds true in many facets of life and as I found out, also in performance discussions. One well intended action to "pad out" my development plan in preparation for a discussion with my new leader had unintended consequences, which I had to work to correct. Needless to say, one should always double check what one says in the context of the audience, not just what's in your head.

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Use this tactic to speak up when it counts

Use this tactic to speak up when it counts

We have all felt that resistance when we want to open our mouth to say something but come up against that invisible mental barrier that forces our mouth shut. But there is an action you can take to help you break through that barrier and once broken through that next barrier is significantly smaller. So do this action from a CFO. Say something at the outset of the meeting and you'll find that barrier significantly reduced for when it really counts for you to put your best foot forward.

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Stepping up your introvert communication skills

Stepping up your introvert communication skills

Introverts have a false belief that we shouldn't be clear and up front with our intentions. But this is a false belief that's caused a lot of rework, miscommunication, and wasted time. But imagine how much smoother your life would be if you got rid of this belief. So take this small action. Be up front and state your intent with every interaction. You'll find your life will be more colorful and at least, everyone will be on the same page.

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