Looking confident while working remotely

Looking confident while working remotely

It’s hard to project confidence while on video calls. It acts like a barrier that stops us from achieving the best version of ourselves. Be it the sound quality or just trying to get your message across amongst the traffic of voices all trying to chime in at the same time. Here are six simple things to do that will give you the best chance at projecting the best version of yourself on a video call.

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How to overcome Social Anxiety

How to overcome Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is the single biggest blocker to introverts recognising the best version of themselves. The rapid heart beat, sweat, and mind blanks cause us to lose our perfectly thought through logic. Instead, a jumbled mass of words and ideas come out. The solution isn’t to stop feeling anxious. It is to recognise it and then start focus on the people you are speaking to.

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The key to promotion for introverts

The key to promotion for introverts

The key to promotion for introverts is to unleash our deep thinking and put them into practice. The mindset shift is to realise, you have to demonstrate you are operating at the next level before you actually get promoted. There is a simple way to demonstrate this by changing what you say and do when you encounter an issue. Use this principle to change your mindset and you will find success.

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How to be charming as an introvert

How to be charming as an introvert

There are a few simple actions you can take, to be as charming as Keanu Reeves, who is a stand-out as an introvert in a very extrovert dominated industry. It doesn’t require you to pretend to be someone you are not, but these five simple actions, give you the tools to embrace your introversion and use them to genuinely connect and interact in the most value-adding way. You will be both charming and unforgettable.

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Stop being treated like a doormat

Stop being treated like a doormat

If you want to stop being treated like a doormat, you need to first stop being a doormat. But change doesn’t occur instantly. You need to start with recognising when you are not being true to what you want and use that as the source of setting up your boundaries early. This interview with Jocko Willink is short but to the point on the dangers of being a doormat and how best to stop being treated like one.

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How to stop your negative self talk

How to stop your negative self talk

It hits your suddenly. Self doubt and negative self talk. You don’t know what’s triggered it. But worse still, you don’t know how to stop it. Before you know it, you’ve lost your self confidence and it takes days, weeks, or months before you can get it back. There is a simple technique you can do straight away to interrupt your brain and stop the negative self talk instantly.

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5 Principles to be Successful in Life

5 Principles to be Successful in Life

Where did your inspiration go? Where did drive, the ambition, the optimism and energy go? Life gets in the way and we often forget the goal of becoming the best version of ourselves. We lose the drive, the desire to become who we can be. In one of the best speeches, Simon Sinek provides the five principles we should all discover in life to drive us back onto the journey of becoming the best version of ourselves.

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6 things you do that hinder your intelligence

6 things you do that hinder your intelligence

You are intelligent. The fact that you are reading this blog means you’re self aware enough to know that you want to develop into the best version of yourself. But there are simple things that we do everyday, which can hinder our intelligence or hinder how other people see the potential within us. Here are six actions/mindsets we need to stop today to fully demonstrate what we’re capable of.

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How to build influence for introverts

How to build influence for introverts

One of the keys to your career progression is you ability to influence people and your overall volume of influence across the organisation. As introverts, we often underestimate how much influence we have. But influence is constantly changing and you need to continuously build upon it. There are five simple actions you can take daily to build, maintain, and enhance your tower of influence.

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How to network for introverts

How to network for introverts

The words ‘networking event’ drives fear and dread into every single introvert. But there are five simple actions you can take that will turn you next networking event into a productive session and you might even have fun while doing it. When you network correctly, you stand out from the crowd and can build strong contacts who may hold the keys to your next career opportunity.

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