The Full Library

Here you will find the full list of resources that me and our contributors have read, watched, and listened to. There is a short review for each, which will provide some guidance as to which ones to access if you're short on time, have a lot of time (i.e. are on a holiday).



129,864,880! That how many unique books are there in the world according to Google. And more books are being added everyday. How many times have you bought a book because the title was great, the preface indicated the book is exactly what you're after, and it comes highly recommended, but you struggled to get through the first chapter or struggled to finish the book? How many times have you read a book to the end only to find that only 1% of its contents was useful. 

Books are great but they take a lot of time investment to go through. And reading a good book just once is not useful. You have to master the techniques in the books. That takes time.  Here, you will find the books that we have read, our experiences with practicing the techniques in the books, and our recommendation on whether you should get this book for yourself. We get no commissions, no media coverage. It's just the views of introverts like you that might just help you narrow down the books to read for what little time you have free.



There are 250,000 unique Podcasts out there in 100 different languages. This is just the number of Podcast shows, not the number of episodes per show. Just like books and TED Talks, not every Podcast is useful and definitely not every episode is useful.

myCorporateDiary goes through as many episodes as we can of the Podcast shows that we think might be useful (and we will continue to scan for new shows), summarise the key points, and let you know how we go with trying out the actions they recommend. 

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TED Talks

TED Talks (or TEDx) are some of the most useful and engaging ways of gaining new insights on how best to improve yourself or additional books to read. TED Talks are free, engaging with their video format, and the best part, limited to approximately 15mins thereby making sure the authors get to the key points quickly.

Don't get me wrong, not every TED Talk is relevant, engaging or useful. But this is where myCorporateDiary comes in. We go through as many TED Talks as we can, summarise the key points, and give you our thoughts on whether it's worth watching or whether the topics are worth looking into further. We then apply what is discussed and let you know if it works.