Cracking the false beliefs that are hiding in plain sight
/What I learnt from trying something new.
Nothing is impossible - the word itself says "I'm possible" - Audrey Hepbun
A few weeks ago, I signed up to a gym. I was finding it hard to fit in exercises between study and work. After chatting with an old colleague, they mentioned how they often go to the gym at lunch times. What a great idea I thought. Rather than sitting at my desk through lunch or hitting the shops and damaging my bank balance, I could break up the day with a work out. I had always wanted to try pump classes. I’ve had gym memberships in the past but have never been to a pump class. I always thought they were too intimidating.
Anyway, in the spirit of giving things a go, I thought what the hell, just go to the class. If it’s so awful you can always leave the class early. On the day I planned to go I was feeling so tired. I finished up a meeting and was ready to give the class a miss. Then I thought to myself, just go get it over and done with, and so I did.
I entered the class, sussed out what equipment was needed from watching other pump enthusiasts collect their bars and weights, then promptly walked to the back of the class. The music started and the class began. It was over and done with before I knew it and I really enjoyed it. What a delight it was! Endorphins pumping, I went back to work for the afternoon. I was no longer fatigued but feeling pumped (pardon the pun) and focussed to get through the afternoon of meetings and emails. I also had an extra buzz from actually stepping outside my comfort zone and doing the class that I had avoided trying for so many years.
The next day with sorer muscles, I was back for another class.
Upon reflection, I can’t believe how silly I had been all those years not giving a pump class a go, thinking it was too intimidating and that I wouldn’t be able to do it. To think of all the fun and fitness I had missed out on because of a silly idea I had in my head that I wouldn’t be able to do it.
So what did I learn from this little experience?
Don’t let false beliefs limit what you can do.
Don’t make a judgement until you have actually experienced it. Who knows, you could actually be missing out on a world of fun.
A challenge for this week. Think of something you have wanted to try for a while. Now schedule it in and make it happen. We’d love for you to share your experience with us below.
Blog Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash