Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
— Abraham Lincoln

Pre-Interview Booster

Your nerves can get the better of you, especially right before you need to be at your peak. It could be the night before, or the week before. The best way to remove these nerves is to rehearse. We simulate the real interview by asking difficult questions and probing your responses with follow-on questions. You get feedback in real-time plus a tailored report highlighting areas for improvement.

Service at a glance:

  • 1x 60 minute interview simulation.

  • 1x personalised report targeting areas for improvement in the interview itself.


Interview Profiler

Identify your key strengths and achievements that best highlight your skills and experiences. Develop your skills to articulate these strengths verbally, with impact and emphasis so that your points carry weight. Learn the foundation interview skills needed to make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd in any environment.

Service at a glance:

  • 3x 45 minute sessions to establish your personal strengths, career highlights, and interview skills.

  • 1x 60 minute Pre-Interview Booster to road-test what you’ve learnt when you need it most.

  • 1x personalised report highlighting the areas of emphasis and strengths to articulate.