How to be persuasive

How to be persuasive

You need persuasion to carry your ideas so that the audience is receptive to them. Being persuasive is knowing how to finely balance confidence and respect. Too far in either direction, you’ll either come across as arrogant or simply lose interest. There is a simple two step approach you can follow that will help you be more persuasive.

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How to calm your nerves when the pressure is on

How to calm your nerves when the pressure is on

You need a simple way to calm your nerves when the pressure is on, when that false negative self-talk rises up and takes away your confidence. There is a simple technique that Navy Seals use to help them stay calm in the face of panic and mortal danger. If it works for them in such scenarios, imagine what it does for you in the corporate setting. You have to stay calm to be your best.

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Success comes from being happy first

Success comes from being happy first

If we are happy, we can better utilise the full potential of our brains to achieve our goals. But most of us think we need to achieve our goals first before we can be happy. But this way of thinking limits our thinking, making that goal seem even more difficult, making us feel even more unhappy. So reverse our thinking. And how can we be happy? Start by embracing your inner weirdo. Don't be a statistical mean but be that dot that stands out from the average.

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How to use your social circle to succeed

How to use your social circle to succeed

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. It's a famous quote by Jim Rohn who is an author, entrepreneur, speaker, and mentor to Tony Robbins. We'd all do very well to heed this phrase and apply it in the office and in life. You don't need to become a jerk to change. Change needs to be within your personality. Keep the friends and colleagues that you love but recognize that you need to expand the diversity of your social circle in order to grow.

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Eliminate the introvert ego that is holding you back

Eliminate the introvert ego that is holding you back

You. Have. A. BIG. EGO! There I said it. Yes, introverts have big egos too. Except unlike extroverts, who's egos are trying to help them achieve success, introvert egos are keeping you where you are. Your ego is what's telling you to not speak up and not take action because it fears being found wanting. Like the friend you've outgrown from school, it's time you leave your ego behind.

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Are you getting the right returns on your investment

Are you getting the right returns on your investment

There is a guaranteed way to get a return on your time and money. Yet it doesn't appear exciting or sexy so we don't do it. Instead, our hard earned money goes into things that give us false hope and the illusion of an improved way of life. We hesitate at spending money on items that will genuinely improve our standing in life yet we're happy to spend more on buying a dream. It's time we re-prioritize our spending to help us to genuinely improve.

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How to create a stand-out CV

How to create a stand-out CV

Take a look at your CV and ask yourself whether it stands out from the crowd. More likely than not, you’ve never looked at your CV through the eyes of the recruiter who has to look through hundreds of CVs. Within this context, ask yourself whether your CV will stand out when given a glance of just a few seconds. Here are 7 steps that will help to give your CV that extra edge to stand out.

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How to negotiate your salary

How to negotiate your salary

Follow this simple mindset and framework to eliminate the fears and false projections you have that prevent you from negotiating for what you want, what you deserve, and what you’re worth. Practice this mindset and framework so that you become more confident in asking for what you want and realise that you hold the power in negotiations, not the other party. Use this realisation to your advantage and watch you life change for the better.

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How to communicate to elicit the response you want

How to communicate to elicit the response you want

Apply this small change with a simple three step check to improve your communication approach and maximise your chances of getting the response you want. Successful communication isn’t the fact that something has been said but instead it is when what you want has been understood. Particularly in an office environment where the ability to influence and career progression is directly correlated to your communication approach.

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How to speak up and stop being the invisible introvert

How to speak up and stop being the invisible introvert

Stop holding yourself back in meetings on the false belief that what you have to say isn’t important or valuable. You are giving yourself excuses to remove your responsibility to contribute. Speaking up does create the risk of you saying something stupid. But there is a bigger price to pay for staying quiet. Use this simple realisation to smash your false belief and maximise the opportunities for the real you to shine.

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How to make full use of your brainpower

How to make full use of your brainpower

In this blog post, we share with you a simple and proven four-step process that maximises your brain’s capacity and apply its full processing power. Most of us have not been taught how to think. Instead, our centuries old schooling forces and rewards rote learning, which doesn’t help us in life or in our careers. So follow this four-step process to find new perspectives and solutions.

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Enjoying ‘You Time’: The Mental Health Benefits of Self-Care

Enjoying ‘You Time’: The Mental Health Benefits of Self-Care

Self-care is about putting ourselves first, taking the right steps to nurture our mind, body, and soul. It sounds easy but most of us don’t focus on it, letting it impact multiple aspects of our lives. Our work-life balance gets out of whack, our eating habits aren’t healthy, we feel overly stressed and overwhelmed. It’s impossible to sustain our self improvement journey in this state. We must learn to take the steps to rejuvenate and return to the most optimal state.

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Becoming the Uninhibited Introvert - Success Series 2019 EP7

Becoming the Uninhibited Introvert - Success Series 2019 EP7

Success is a journey, a process that transforms you into the best version of yourself. But you will encounter mental challenges that can push you off your journey altogether. You need to sustain your journey and we give you three tools you can draw upon when you feel like giving up. Give yourself the momentum so that you can bulldoze through those blockers like a steam train and become the Uninhibited Introvert.

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Silence the ego that's hindering your success - Success Series 2019 EP6

Silence the ego that's hindering your success - Success Series 2019 EP6

Your introvert ego is dragging down your self improvement journey. It tries to protect you by keeping you from trying new things that can improve your career or social opportunities. You can’t tackle your ego directly (since it’s part of you) but you can take simple actions that stealthily silence your inner ego and allow you to reach your goals and become the best version of yourself.

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The 3 actions to breaking your limitations - Success Series 2019 EP5

The 3 actions to breaking your limitations - Success Series 2019 EP5

Take three actions you do everyday, apply them in a targeted manner, and give yourself a kickstart on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Is your journey of self improvement becoming overwhelming and unsustainable? Are you reading books and blog posts that are confusing and conflicting. Put all of that aside and to get started, focus on breathing, smiling, and talking loud and proud.

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Use discomfort to succeed - Success Series 2019 EP4

Use discomfort to succeed - Success Series 2019 EP4

By now you’ve adopted a Growth Mindset, having been Focusing on Yourself, and have a simple process to embed the improvements to becoming the best version of yourself. What’s next? Next is to embed THE principle of success that will fuel your inspiration and help you to continue your journey. Your level of success is directly correlated to your ability to embrace discomfort. So embrace the suck and come out on the other side, the best version of you.

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