Be self focused to succeed - Success Series 2019 EP2

Be self focused to succeed - Success Series 2019 EP2

The Growth Mindset helped you realise that you can improve. that you don’t need to accept your limitations. What next? Next is to shed decades of learnt behaviours that prioritse other people’s needs above your own. You can’t improve until you carve out time, space, and capacity to focus on you first. Want other people to value your ideas? Value them yourself first. You need to be self focused in order to succeed.

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Growth Mindset to become Uninhibited - Success Series 2019 EP1

Growth Mindset to become Uninhibited - Success Series 2019 EP1

I’m going to help you make 2019 great. We’re kicking off 2019 with a structured series of blog posts that break down the key steps in our Uninhibited Introvert Program so that you can take the actions you need to realising the best version of yourself. The starting point of your journey is breaking down your false beliefs and limitations and developing the right mindset.

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How to achieve a spectacular 2019

How to achieve a spectacular 2019

12 months has passed and another year is upon us. What aspect of yourself did you improve on in the last 12 months? If the answer is “nothing” then you are not alone. Self improvement is an adventure and like all adventures, it comes with perceived risks. But there are four truths to this journey that you need to realise that will help you overcome that internal barrier. Read them, embrace them, and make 2019 spectacular.

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Five key actions to instantly boost your confidence

Five key actions to instantly boost your confidence

We get busy preparing for data, content, facts, and figures. But often, we forget to prepare the most important element to success. Our inner confidence. Facts and figures are useless if nerves get the better of you and you can’t convey them concisely and with impact. Build the habit of taking these five actions everyday and before a big meeting to give your inner confidence a boost.

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The sneaky weakness that attacks when you're most exposed

The sneaky weakness that attacks when you're most exposed

This weakness hits you when you are most exposed. There is nowhere to hide and you can’t go back to start again. How you do anything is how you do everything. For this reason, you should treat every activity with the same level of diligence. As introverts, we can’t talk on the fly, so let’s give ourselves the best chance by always practising in our heads first and build the momentum from there.

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Stop asking permission to be great

Stop asking permission to be great

“By the mere fact that we have air in our body, the universe says you have the right to prosperity and abundance” - Lisa Nichols. You are already great. You have the right to be great. You have the right to shine just as much as an extrovert. You don’t need other people’s permission and other people’s views. You need to respect your own views first. Stop asking for permission to be great. Go an idea, pursue it. Got a story, write it. Got something to say, say it.

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5 Principles to be Successful in Life

5 Principles to be Successful in Life

Where did your inspiration go? Where did drive, the ambition, the optimism and energy go? Life gets in the way and we often forget the goal of becoming the best version of ourselves. We lose the drive, the desire to become who we can be. In one of the best speeches, Simon Sinek provides the five principles we should all discover in life to drive us back onto the journey of becoming the best version of ourselves.

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Wisdom comes with time

Wisdom comes with time

When things happen, we desperately search for meaning, particularly if the event is unpleasant. But if you react based on false assumptions and an incorrect interpretation, you actions will take you down the wrong path. Things happen in life, it’s unavoidable. They are neither good nor bad. In time, the meaning and implications will reveal themselves and you will be pleasantly surprised. It pays to be patient.

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Minimise fat from your writing and increase your scarcity

Minimise fat from your writing and increase your scarcity

How you write your reports, emails, and even instant messages contributes towards how people perceive you. Particularly in a word environment where every word and every sentence is scrutinised. By eliminating redundant words from our writing, we can improve the efficiency of our communication while coming across as a high value professional. We list some common examples here. Are there others you’ve noticed that you’d like to share?

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The uninhibited introvert

The uninhibited introvert

We have done it! We have identified what’s needed to break down your introvert limitations. How? Through countless experiments, numerous embarrassing moments, surprising successes, books, and interviews. How do we know it works? Because we’ve tried them ourselves over the last 24 months. Join us as we build the program to help everyone break their introvert bonds.

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How to stop being a people pleaser

How to stop being a people pleaser

If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at anytime, and you would achieve nothing - Margaret Thatcher. If today you find that you are an introverted people pleaser, who puts the needs of others above your own, then there are two actions you should take right now to rehabilitate yourself and get in touch with how you feel and what you want.

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