5 Principles to be Successful in Life


Five Principles to Success in Life

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
— George Bernard Shaw

The irony of life is that when you are in your 20s, and filled with optimism and energy, you felt like you could take on the world. Except, you didn’t have the wisdom to know “how” to create that life. As you get older, Life happens and you start to pick up wisdom. But by now, the administrative nature of life has overshadowed your optimism and energy and you forget about the drivers that once made you optimistic about who or what you could become.

This speech by Simon Sinek (famous for his TED talk on finding your WHY) to university scholars is one of the best presentations. It will remind you of the key principles you once had and inspire you to resume the journey to becoming who you wanted to be.

1. Focus on the free bagel (goal) - not the line (obstacles)

Despite what we really want in life, we lose sight of the end goal because the obstacles are so immediate. As we focus on the obstacles, they become bigger and eventually, we end up giving up on our goal. Why? Because we can see the obstacles clearly and in HD. But the goal is just some vague blurry picture in our heads.

You can choose what you want to focus on. So focus on the goal. That way, you won’t become disenchanted by the obstacles.

2. Fear is the same as excitement

When you experience fear, sweaty palms, higher pulse rate, extreme concentration on a single object. It’s exactly the same symptoms as excitement. You brain doesn’t know the difference between fear and excitement because your body is experiencing the same symptoms.

So use this loophole and train your brain to interpret sweaty palms, higher pulse rate, and extreme concentration as excitement rather than fear. Very soon, you will be excited to do things that are scary to you rather than fear the unknown.

3. Take care of others

The single common trait of greatness that can be extracted from those who are the most successful in pushing through challenges, are those who despite how tough the situation is, still focus on looking after others. People remember you for how you made them feel, not the material achievements you’ve accumulated in life.

4. Always be the last to speak

Learn to calm your mind and listen to the perspectives of others. Don’t just listen to the words being uttered but identify the perspective you are coming from. The person speaking will feel heard and you will find that you’ve learnt new insights and appreciations that you would’ve missed if you speak first or listen with the intent to answer.

Great leaders are always the last to speak.

5. Serve others as your foundation purpose in life

When you have a goal higher than yourself, you’ll find inspiration in extracting the best from others and together get through the obstacles in life. Everyone faces obstacles. The secret to pushing through them is to accept that shit happens and then help others to push through together.

So there you have it. 5 key principles we can adopt today to find the inspirations we lost along the way in this journey of life to rekindle our inspiration and resume our journey to becoming the best version of ourselves.

Blog Photo by Kenny Krosky on Unsplash