Key steps to take in 2018 to break out of your introvert limitations

Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.
— Winston Churchill

It's the holiday season and whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the holiday season also marks the end of 2017. It means another 12 months of your life has just past. Once the festivities are over, it's worthwhile taking some personal time for yourself to reflect on how the year went, what you did well, what you did poorly, and how you want 2018 to look. Reflection is one of the most critical tools in identifying the small actions you can take, which will cumulatively break you out of your self imposed introvert limitations. 

While you reflect on how 2017 went, I've compiled the top key actions that have worked the best for me over the last 12 months, supported by your reactions and emails, and links to the most popular blog posts. I hope you have a wonderful break, spent with family and friends. Me and my fellow bloggers look forward to sharing our journey with you in 2018.

Action 1: Adjust your mindset - successful transformation comes from taking one action at a time, embedding it, and then making another change. Over time, when you look back, you will be a different person. 


Action 2:  Put yourself first - people value what is rare, what is difficult to obtain, what is scarce. Our introversion is made worse by our people pleasing behaviors, which make us prioritize everyone else's needs above ours. Over time, people's expectations of us just keep going up, until we can no longer meet it and/or we sacrifice our own needs. You don't have to be a jerk but you can make small changes that will make people appreciate you more and give you the credit and attention you deserve.


Action 3: Invest in yourself - there is a guaranteed way to improve your life. It might not be as dramatic as winning the lotto but rather than just buying a dream, the same amount of money can be spent in such a way that guarantees a return and improve your life. 


So there you have it. 3 simple actions that you can take in 2018, which will make a difference to how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you. I look forward to hearing about your journey and insights you'd like to share with the MyCorporateDiary Community.

Blog photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash.