Our Top Recommended TED Talks

We go through as many TED Talks as we can to find the ones that best inspire you and give you the most practical guidance on actions that help you break out of your self imposed limitations. 

Our Top Recommended Books

Books take a long time to read (and time is precious), so you want to make sure you pick up the books that give you the most practical advice and the most useful actions that will open your mind.

Our Top Recommended Podcasts

Not every Podcast is worth their weight in bytes (despite  cool sounding titles) and not every episode of the best Podcasts has the same impact. So we've identified the ones that are most worth listening to. 

Jordan Harbinger Show

Hidden Brain

Tony Robbins

Art of Charm

“The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow!”

Contribute to myCorporateDiary

Join us in building a list of actions. Share with us your experiences and insights into what's worked for you. The more we share, the more we can help fellow introverts. 
